BlogClan Wiki

AshHawk AshHawk 18 July 2013


Chat is getting really tense lately. Arguments are braking out. Friendships are falling apart. We should make a pact here: START FRESH. Comment here to make a pact with the rest of BlogClan that everything on chat now will be fresh and clean. Old arguments should be forgiven and forgotten. We are all friends here! Binded by our love for Warriors. WE WILL LIVE! LONG LIVE BLOGCLAN!

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AshHawk AshHawk 10 July 2013

Firestar: glorious hero or annoying stue?

Ok. We all know that Firestar was a glorious hero, and all that stuff. But he was so perfect he was irrtating. Perfect, flawless, intelligent, and brave. Yup. Way to good. Heros need their flaws! It makes them more realistic and likeable, as we can relate to them. 

So, basically what I'm getting at is, is Firestar a illustrious hero or an annoying stue in your opinion? 

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AshHawk AshHawk 5 July 2013

What's up with BlogClan?

Matinence isn't for a week. Why does it say the website is down?

Edit: Nevermind. It's working fine now.

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